Even In the Toughest Times, There Is Always Hope

In the small town of Ferriday, Delta Store Front Mission food pantry provides essential services for many food insecure families. Serving Concordia Parish, the pantry supports the community where 36% of children and 22% of adults area vulnerable to hunger.   

Edna Craft, director of the Delta Store Front Mission food pantry, has seen the struggle firsthand. The rise in families seeking help has been noticeable, especially as the region faces high grocery costs and low wages. "We're seeing more people sign up for food assistance almost every day we are open," Edna shared.

In recent months, the pantry has faced an additional challenge: a decrease in the availability of some staple foods, particularly meats.  Fortunately, Walmart’s Retail Store Donation Program has been there to fill the gaps.  “We have been so fortunate that Walmart donates meats and bakery items on a regular basis,” said Edna.  “This allows us to provide perishable food items along with the shelf-stable food we have available.”

Edna is hopeful they will have enough to distribute for the upcoming Easter holiday.  It means a lot to her and the food pantry volunteers to be able to partner with their local Walmart store to provide food that means so much to the people in their community. 

The partnership between Walmart and the Delta Store Front Mission food pantry is a testament to the power of kindness and the importance of supporting local communities. In a time of increasing need, the generosity of businesses and individuals can make all the difference. For Edna and the families they serve, it’s a reminder that even in the toughest times, there’s always hope.

Walmart and Sam’s Club are also supporting hunger relief efforts through their annual Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign through the end of March.  Shoppers can participate by donating at the register or online, by purchasing participating products instore or online, and donating at Feeding America’s Fight Hunger. Spark Change. campaign donation site at either www.feedingamerica.org/walmart or www.feedingamerica.org/samsclub.


The Food Bank of Central Louisiana

Founded in 1989, the Food Bank Of Central Louisiana is a hunger relief non—profit organization dedicated to alleviating hunger in Central Louisiana.


Twenty Year Partnership Benefits Central Louisiana Communities


Mansura Walmart Making A Difference in Their Community