Meet the Team
Tackling Hunger, Together
Our staff, leadership, and board of directors are caring professionals working to alleviate hunger in Central Louisiana.
Join Our Team
Each day, we dedicate ourselves to reducing hunger throughout Central Louisiana.
Every member of our team plays a vital role in fulfilling our mission. From distributing food to coordinating volunteers, or providing essential resources to our neighbors, we work together to feed our community.
If you are interested in joining our team, please contact the Food Bank at 318-445-2773.
Jayne Wright-Velez
Executive Director
jwrightvelez@fbcenla.org -
Frank Abbott
Mobile Food Pantry Coordinator fabbott@fbcenla.org
Jodi Belgard
Assistant Operations Director jbelgard@fbcenla.org
Frances Blackman
Human Resources
fblackman@fbcenla.org -
Joseph Bono
Food Procurement Coordinator
jbono@fbcenla.org -
Dustin Bordelon
Operations Director
dbordelon@fbcenla.org -
Yolanda Deshotel
Client Services
ydeshotel@fbcenla.org -
Carrie Gill
Annual Fund Coordinator
cgill@fbcenla.org -
Linda Hutson
Director of Development & Community Relations
lhutson@fbcenla.org -
Bridgett Johnson
SNAP Outreach Coordinator
bjohnson@fbcenla.org -
Rhonda Lair
Mission Bag Production Supervisor rlair@fbcenla.org
Levi Phillips
Good Food Project Director
lphillips@fbcenla.org -
Jasmine Quinones
Service Insights Coordinator jquinones@fbcenla.org
Lisa Robinson
SNAP Outreach Coordinator
lrobinson@fbcenla.org -
Rosanna Shaw
Agency Relations Coordinator rshaw@fbcenla.org
Carole Stafford
Volunteer Coordinator
cstafford@fbcenla.org -
Erin Tracy
Garden Assistant
Cecelia Wagner
Development & Communications Coordinator
cwagner@fbcenla.org -
Georgette Waters
School Garden Coordinator gwaters@fbcenla.org
Brianna Wilkins
GFP Hydroponics Technician
bwilkins@fbcenla.org -
Karen Williams
AmeriCorps Supervisor kwilliams@fbcenla.org
Natasha Williams
Child Nutrition Coordinator nwilliams@fbcenla.org
Emily Whittington
Mobile Pantry Coordinator ewhittington@fbcenla.org
Chiquita Taylor
CFSP Assistant Coordinator ctaylor@fbcenla.org
Landon Anderson
Robert Brister
James Denney III, Warehouse Supervisor
Tess Grey
Evelyn Keller
Larry Walker
Henry White
Jason White, Warehouse Supervisor
Kadyn Wise
Melisa Dorsey
Logan Flynn
Janecia Jenkins
Forrest McCann
Ray Rutherford
Antoine Thomas
LaTonya Tuco
Rickey Bordelon
Derrick Ford
Tyrone Leary
Joseph Lee
Glen Marshall
Jerry Norris
2024 - 2025 Board of Directors
Brian Couvillon
Jill Kelone
Vice Chair
Sam Kennedy
Marie Simpson
Heather Brooks
Gary Brown
Joe Gardner
Christina G. Hathorn
Tim Holloway
George Rhoads
Mandy Scoggin
Todd St.Romain
Sara Whittington
Robert Willet